Vice Deanship for Development and Quality (VDDQ)
Vice Dean Message
It’s my pleasure you visit the website of Vice Deanship of Development and Quality (VDDQ), College of Engineering. The VDDQ collaborates, cooperates, and coordinates with different accrediting organizations for compliance with the established standards of these organizations. Moreover, VDDQ makes adequate realization and follow-up of approved standards, their requirements, and provision. VDDQ makes standards criteria and requirements pervasive throughout its organizational plans and academic programs. The VDDQ measures the performance indicators for quality assurance, build a quality management system and model required for administrative, and academic standards.
In the VDDQ, we seek to cope with the accelerating changes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A challenging mission requires the development of the vision, strategies, and goals that meet the aspirations of the College of Engineering to improve the quality of its educational outcomes, which are in line with the strategic plan of King Saud University and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s 2030 vision. The VDDQ and its affiliated units collaborate to improve educational quality by focusing on obtaining national accreditation (NCAAA) and international accreditation (Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, The VDDQ also focuses on the importance of training programs and developing the skills of all faculty members to ensure their effective contribution and to improve performance through training programs and workshops. Also, preparing development and operational plans to enhance the principle of development and continuous improvement and transform the improvement plans into concrete practical reality.

Dr. Yousef R. Alharbi, Vice Dean of Development and Quality