Chairman Message
Welcome to the Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department (PGED). The department was established in 1973 G (1394 H) in Riyadh, the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as the first department offering petroleum and natural gas engineering degrees in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Region. Its creation was a natural response to the urgent need of petroleum and natural gas engineers in a country that owns a quarter of the world’s oil reserves and one of the largest exporters of crude oil in the world to this day. Consequently, the role of the petroleum industry will continue to be the largest contributor to the annual economic output, along with the promising results of Vision 2030 goals to diversify the country's sources of income. Furthermore, the global demand for energy is rapidly increasing, in which fossil fuel represents the largest contributor to fulfilling the world's energy needs. Therefore, the market need for petroleum engineers is expected to grow and continue in the future.
The department’s faculty and staff cooperate to achieve its vision through the continuous development of educational, research, and training methodologies and curricula according to the requirements of the oil and gas industry market, obtaining academic accreditation from the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, , and NCAAA, attracting and developing faculty members with distinguished competencies, and ensuring the provision of high-quality academic, training and research programs, to supply oil and gas industry market with engineers possessing high skills that enable them to compete globally, having the ability to develop, hold senior positions, and pursue higher studies.
Thank you for visiting the PGED website. I am pleased to receive your inquiries, suggestions, and comments on the email below.

Faisal S. Altawati, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor
Chairman of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department (PGED)
Tel: +966 11 46 76879