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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Vision and Mission

Vision, Mission and learning outcomes
Department Vision
To be a pioneer  in  chemical engineering education and research, and in building a knowledge community.
Department Mission
The department of chemical engineering strives to provide excellent education to students through an accredited academic program, serve the local community, contribute to the progress of the chemical engineering profession and conduct innovative research.
Chemical Engineering Program Learning Outcomes
(i) Knowledge:
 The graduates of this program will have  the ability to demonstrate:
· Knowledge in foundation chemistry and fundamentals of chemical engineering
· Knowledge of the  discipline-related industrial practices and procedures
· Knowledge of contemporary issues related to the chemical engineering field
(ii) Cognitive skills:
 The graduates of this program will have  the ability to:
·        design and conduct chemical engineering experiments, as well as analyse and interpret data
·        design units, components and plants to meet specific needs while observing technical, environmental, economical, societal, ethical and safety constraints
·        identify, formulate, and solve chemical engineering problems
·        have the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
(iii) Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility
The graduates of this program will have  the ability  to:
·        recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
·         function on multidisciplinary teams
·        recognize the implications of professional responsibility regarding the design, operation and control of chemical processes as well as adherence to liability, accountability and codes of ethics in practice
·        demonstrate responsibility to preserving clean environment
(iv) Communication, IT and numerical skills
The graduates of this program will have  the ability to:
·        Write reports in a correct, clear and coherent way
·        Use automation and digital tools for effective and efficient communication and teamwork correspondence
·        Give clear, effective and engaging oral presentations
·        Adapt customized style for different audiences
·        Use  numerical techniques, software mathematical & statistical techniques and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice in the analysis and design of chemical engineering units
تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 2:42ص